Spring is here. COVID is (by God’s grace) receding. Mission is returning.

As members of Epiphany return after a season of distant worship, the congregation is beginning to explore the fundamentals of the faith so we can be prepared to share it with others.

Sundays at Epiphany

Epiphany’s relocation to the LWA Farm Barn has allowed us to return to our traditional 10:00 a.m. service time. Join us as we return to worship in word and sacrament. Services include congregational singing with mask use. Our current sermon series is “Of First Importance: The Message of the Apostles,” a look at the messages first shared by the followers of Jesus. Come early at 9:00 A.M. for our church Bible Study, where we exploring the “Overlooked Books” of the New Testament.

Pizza Night Returns

Once a month, Epiphany gathers at a nearby pizza restaurant for fellowship and mission. Anyone is welcome to come to an Epiphany Pizza Night – Epiphany will pick up the tab for food, and guests can order drinks (and BYOB too if the establishment allows!). Join our email list for the latest Pizza Night event.

Mission Sundays

Once a month, Epiphany will be hosting a mission partner to discuss in detail the joys and challenges of their ministry. Members of the church will be given information on how to support our mission partners and invited to add them to their regular prayers.

2 for 2 Prayers

Throughout the season to come, members of Epiphany are regularly praying for those outside of the church. Our prayer is two-fold: that our friends and family would find a good church home, and that, if God wishes, He would use Epiphany’s members to accomplish that purpose.

COVID Protocols

Epiphany will continue to follow CDC and the Pennsylvania Health Department’s recommendations regarding COVID protocols. Worshippers at Epiphany currently wear their masks when entering and exiting the church, and when they are less than six feet from someone else. Most worshippers are able to take off their masks once they are seated for the service.