As the winter weather settles in for a spell, Epiphany knows that you keep warm by staying together! Here’s a summary of Epiphany’s schedule throughout these early months. For more details, sign up to our email list, and for any questions, email

Sunday Services & Bible Study

Throughout the months of January, February and March, Sunday Services of Worship will continue at 10:00 a.m., preceded by 9:00 a.m. Bible Study. Pastor Bryan will be preaching from the Minor Prophets, a selection of shorter and lesser known Old Testament books that have a lot to say about the year 2019 and beyond. Services are held at Bethlen’s Moriah Chapel.

Midweek Bible Study: 1 and 2 Thessalonians

Starting in Early February, Epiphany will be hosting a midweek Bible Study on the Bethlen Community’s campus. The study will be going through 1 and 2 Thessalonians, using a study guide authored by Anglican bible scholar and evangelist John Stott. Sign up for the church’s email news for an exact start date and time as details come together.

Evening Prayer

Epiphany has started a monthly service of Evening Prayer to keep our new season of ministry and discernment at the forefront of our work. We’re praying that God grants us the opportunity to bring The Gospel of Jesus’s death and resurrection to the community of Ligonier in a fresh and exciting way. We’re also taking time to pray for the needs of Epiphany’s community, particularly those who are in hardship or adversity. Evening Prayer gatherings are at 7:00 p.m., see the church email news for more details.

Pizza Nights

Epiphany’s monthly Pizza Night gatherings will continue throughout the months of Jan, Feb, and March. The events are an opportunity for people to mingle outside of the church context and invite friends who are interested in Epiphany’s church life. Epiphany picks up the pizza tab, and friends can grab any drinks from the bar they would like.

We’re switching locations and trying out some new spaces in the Ligonier area, so Pizza Night may be “Wing Night” or “Sub Night” as opportunities arise. Pizza Nights are generally held on the third Wednesday of the month, though that may change depending on weather and restaurant availability. See the church email news for the latest information

Winter Weather Cancellations

In the event that winter weather proves too dangerous for travel, please stay tuned to Epiphany’s email news or Epiphany’s Facebook page for information. Generally speaking, as long as Pastor Bryan can make it to church, there will be services. Please know that there is zero expectation for members of Epiphany to travel in hazardous weather. Members should use their own best judgment regarding church attendance in snowy weather.